
Definition of IPA

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On this occasion mimin will share a science that is very useful for the archipelago. Please listen carefully to the article below.

Natural Science (IPA) is concerned with how to systematically find out about nature, so IPA is not only the mastery of a collection of knowledge in the form of facts, concepts or principles but also a process of discovery. Natural Science Education IPA is expected to be a vehicle for learners to learn about themselves and the environment, as well as the prospects for further development in applying it in everyday life.

The learning process emphasizes the provision of hands-on experience to develop competencies to explore and understand the natural world scientifically. Science Education Alama IPA is directed to inquiry and doing so that it can help learners to gain a deeper understanding of the natural environment.
In general, Natural Science (IPA) in Junior High Schools / Islamic Junior High Schools, covering the field of energy studies and its changes, space earth, living things and life processes, and the material and its nature actually play a role in helping learners to understand natural phenomena. Natural Science is a scientific knowledge, that is, knowledge that has experienced the test of truth through scientific method, with characteristics: objective, methodical, systematic, universal, and tentative. Natural Science is a science whose subject is nature and everything in it.
Carin and Sund (1993) define IPA as "systematic, organized knowledge, universally applicable, and a collection of observational and experimental data".
Referring to the definition of the IPA, it can be concluded that the nature of IPA includes four main elements, namely:
  • Attitudes: curiosity about objects, natural phenomena, living things, and causal relationships that create new problems that can be solved through correct procedures; IPA is open ended;
  • Process: problem solving procedure through scientific method; scientific methods include the preparation of hypotheses, experimental or experimental design, evaluation, measurement, and conclusion;
  • Products: in the form of facts, principles, theories, and laws;
  • Application: the application of scientific methods and the concept of IPA in everyday life

The four elements are a characteristic of the intact IPA Natural Science that can not be separated from one another.
In the process of science learning the four elements are expected to emerge, so that learners can experience the learning process as a whole, understand the natural phenomenon through problem-solving activities, scientific methods, and imitate the way scientists work in finding new facts. The tendency of science learning today is that learners only study the science as a product, memorize concepts, theories and laws. This situation is exacerbated by experimental or test-oriented learning. Consequently IPA as a process, attitude, and application is not touched in learning.
The learning experience gained in the classroom is incomplete and not oriented towards the achievement of basic competence and competency standards. Learning is more teacher-centered, teachers only convey IPA as a product and learners memorize factual information. Learners only study IPA in the lowest cognitive domain. Learners are not accustomed to develop their thinking potential. Facts on the ground show that many learners tend to be lazy to think independently. The way of thinking developed in learning activities has not touched the affective and psychomotor domains. The reasons teachers often offer are limited time, means, learning environment, and too many students per class.
The 21th century is marked by the rapid development of science and technology in various areas of life in society, especially information and communication technology. Therefore, it is necessary a way of learning that can prepare learners for science and technology literacy, able to think logically, critically, creatively, and can argue correctly. In reality, there are not many learners who like the field of IPA study, because it is difficult, limited the ability of learners, or because they are not interested in becoming a scientist or a technologist. Nevertheless, they still hope that science learning in schools can be presented attractively, efficiently and effectively.
Basic Competency and Competency Standards that will be achieved by learners are poured into four aspects namely, living things and processes of life, matter and nature, energy and its changes, and the earth and the universe.
Indicators of achievement of competencies developed by schools, tailored to the local environment, and media and learning environments that exist in schools. All of this is intended for teachers to be more active, creative, and innovative in learning without leaving the contents of the curriculum.
Through integrated science learning, students are expected to build their knowledge through scientific work, working together in groups, learning to interact and communicate, and be scientific.

B. Characteristics of Natural Science Study field

Natural Science is defined as the knowledge gained through data collection by experimentation, observation, and deduction to produce an explanation of a reliable phenomenon. There are three abilities in the IPA are:
  • The ability to know what is observed,
  • The ability to predict what has not been observed, and the ability to test the follow-up of experimental results,
  • The development of scientific attitude.

Science learning activities include developing the ability to ask questions, seek answers, understand answers, refine answers about "what", "why", and "how" about natural phenomena as well as natural characteristics around them through systematic ways to be applied in the environment and technology . These activities are known as scientific activities based on the scientific method. The scientific method of studying the science itself has been introduced since the 16th century (Galileo Galilei and Francis Bacon) which includes identifying problems, composing hypotheses, predicting the consequences of hypotheses, conducting experiments to test predictions, and formulating simple simple laws organized from hypotheses , predictions, and experiments.

In learning science students are directed to compare the predictions of learners with the theory through experiments using scientific methods. Science education in schools is expected to be a vehicle for learners to learn about themselves and the natural surroundings, as well as the prospects for further development in applying them in everyday life, based on the scientific method. Natural Science Learning IPA emphasizes direct experience to develop competencies so that learners are able to understand the natural surroundings through the process of "finding out" and "doing", it will help learners to gain a deeper understanding. The skill in finding out or acting is called an inquiry skills process that includes observing, measuring, classifying, asking questions, preparing hypotheses, planning experiments to answer questions, classifying, processing, and analyzing data, applying ideas to new situations , using simple tools and communicating information in various ways, ie with images, spoken, written, and so forth. Through the process skills developed attitudes and values ​​that include curiosity, honest, patient, open, superstitious, critical, diligent, tenacious, meticulous, disciplined, care about the environment, pay attention to safety, and cooperate with others.
Therefore science learning at school should:
  • Provide experience to learners so that they are competent to measure various physical quantities,
  • Embedding the learners the importance of empirical observation in testing a scientific statement (hypothesis). This hypothesis can be derived from observations of everyday events that require scientific verification,
  • Quantitative thinking exercises that support the learning activities of mathematics, namely as the application of mathematics on the real problems associated with natural events,
  • Introducing the world of technology through creative activities in the activities of designing and making simple tools as well as explaining the various symptoms and efficacy of IPA in answering various problems.

Enough Posts on Understanding Natural Science. Hopefully Helpful for those of us who have read it. Thank you.
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